미쉬파팀 4

Rulings; Justice and Righteousness

In the tapestry of existence, where threads of grace and love intertwine, there lies the cornerstone of justice. It is not merely a concept, but a way of being—a life lived in the embrace of divine compassion. To establish justice is to become a vessel of God's righteousness, to confront the shadows of injustice that linger in the corridors of oppression. 은혜와 사랑의 실타래가 얽혀 있는 존재의 융단속에 정의의 초석이 놓여 있..

공간의 힘 2024.02.07

Rulings; Juuuuuudge

The laws set forth by the Mishpatim are not merely a set of regulations but a profound reflection of divine justice and compassion. They underscore the sanctity of life and the inherent dignity of every individual, regardless of social status or circumstance. 미쉬파팀은 단순한 규정이 아니라 하나님의 공의와 긍휼을 깊이 반영한 것입니다. 이 법은 사회적 지위나 환경에 관계없이 생명의 신성함과 모든 개인의 고유한 존엄성을 강조합니다. In the ancient world, where societal str..

공간의 힘 2024.02.06

Yitro(Jethro); competent man

In the biblical narrative, as the Israelites embarked on their journey from slavery to freedom, Moses found himself burdened with the task of judging the people and resolving their disputes. The people sought him out from morning until evening, reflecting a pivotal moment in their transition from a life devoid of choices to a new era of discerning values. 성경의 이야기에서 이스라엘 백성이 노예에서 자유를 찾아 떠나는 여정을 시..

공간의 힘 2024.01.30