토라포션 14

And Jacob lived; Jacob's prophecy

In the end of his days, Jacob summoned his sons, a call signifying not just a will, but a call to arms—a war against the forces that sought to divide. Itself carried the weight of reclaiming what was lost, restoring, and establishing. It spoke of a gathering that demanded risking life itself, a unity that defied the schemes of the enemy. 인생의 마지막에 야곱은 아들들을 불렀습니다. 이 부름은 단순한 유언이 아니라 분열을 획책하는 세력에 맞선..

공간의 힘 2023.12.27

Then Judah approached; forgiveness draws his brothers closer

“Come closer to me,” Joseph said to his brothers. They came closer. “I am Joseph your brother whom you sold into Egypt. Genesis 45:4 “이리 가까이 오십시오” 하고 요셉이 형제들에게 말하니, 그제야 그들이 요셉 앞으로 다가왔다. “내가, 형님들이 이집트로 팔아 넘긴 그 아우입니다. 창세기 45:4 In the midst of the grandeur of Pharaoh's court, Joseph's composure finally crumbled. The weight of his concealed emotions surfaced like a tempest, and he could no longer co..

공간의 힘 2023.12.19

Joseph's descent and victory; a table of Echad

In shadows deep, a tale unfolds, of brothers' hearts in darkness cold. In Shechem's fields, where flocks did graze, jealousy bloomed, setting hearts ablaze. A coat of colors, woven bright, and a symbol of favor, a beacon of light approaches. But envy's seed took root and grew, in hearts unguarded, feelings slew. 깊은 그림자 속에서 이야기가 펼쳐집니다. 어둠 속의 형제들의 마음은 차디찹니다. 양 떼가 풀을 뜯던 세겜 들판에서 질투심이 피어나 마음을 불태웁니다. ..

공간의 힘 2023.12.16