공간의 힘

Jacob left there 2

돌베개 2023. 11. 21. 17:55


The Departure of Jacob, 1884 - Rodolfo Amoedo - WikiArt.org


  Jacob's departure can be likened to a person stepping into the stage of adulthood, akin to leaving the shelter of parental care and entering the union of marriage where two individuals unite as one. It mirrors the concept of leaving one's family to embark on a new chapter, much like starting a family and ensuring the continuation of generations.

  Although Jacob's departure was initially compelled by his relationship with his older brother Esau, it ultimately led him to encounter two brides, Leah and Rachel, and lay the foundation for the nation of Israel through the birth of his children.


  Leaving home, in this context, symbolizes a transition from the dependence and protection of childhood to the responsibilities of adulthood. It signifies moving beyond the safety net of parental provision and unconditional love. Similar to the process of being weaned, leaving enables personal growth and the development of the capacity to express love as a caretaker, act as a responsible figure, and contribute meaningfully to the broader world.

  In this transition, Jacob moves beyond the confines of a protected environment, analogous to leaving a relationship where God's care is prominently felt.


  Jacob's journey signifies the initiation into a new phase of life, one where he is called to navigate the challenges and experiences of the world as a son of God. It represents a mature stage, mirroring the evolution from a state of receiving divine love and guidance to actively embodying the principles and teachings as a child of God in the broader context of existence.


  In essence, Jacob's departure serves as a pivotal moment of growth and responsibility, where he transitions from being the recipient of God's protection and love to becoming an agent of those principles in the wider world. It echoes the universal theme of individuals leaving the sanctuary of a protected space, whether it be a relationship or a spiritually sheltered state, to engage with the world as ambassadors of divine love and grace.


  Jacob resumed his journey towards the people of the east and encountered a well situated in an open field, surrounded by three flocks of sheep at rest. This well served as a communal water source for the flocks, featuring a large stone covering its mouth. The shepherds would collectively gather, roll away the stone, water their flocks, and then cover the well once again.


  The opening the well when all the flocks gathered signifies that the well's access is contingent upon the unity of all the groups. In the context of redemptive history, the act of opening the well mirrors the unlocking of a fountain of grace and the unfolding of life. Essentially, the full realization of salvation is only attained when all groups come together in unity, including but not limited to Israel and Palestine, Jews and Muslims, as well as followers of Judaism and Christianity.


  The names of the two brides Jacob encountered are Leah and Rachel, with Rachel signifying "to travel" or a "great traveler". This designation implies a readiness to journey with Jesus, the bridegroom, suggesting a willingness to go anywhere and stay anywhere. The essence of being a great traveler in this context is the preparedness to move when Jesus comes, necessitating a readiness for change.


  In essence, embracing the spirit of a great traveler, as Rachel's name implies, entails departing from familiar spaces and venturing into new encounters and places. However, inherent in human nature is a resistance to breaking away from the inertia of familiar routines. To transition into something new, it becomes inevitable to face loss and separation.


  Embracing the idea that breaking up, though challenging, pave the way for new beginnings is crucial. 

 It requires a blend of gratitude for what has been and anticipation for what is to come. 


  The Church should also enter into the journey of Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, leaving the celebration of Christmas. Hanukkah commemorates the purification of the Holy Temple, which had been defiled by foreigners, and is observed over eight days. It symbolizes a day to purify our sacred temple, which is our body and soul. The term "Hanukkah" means 'dedication,' and signifies a time of consecration and purification, both externally and internally.

Jacob's departure opened the door to new encounters and transformation

This article was written based on Pastor Daewi Kang's Torah Portion and the inspiration gained from it.