공간의 힘

Jacob's sheep; What do you see?

돌베개 2023. 11. 22. 20:31

Jacob's sheep

  Jacob increases his own flock in a unique way by selectively breeding the speckled and spotted animals from Laban's flock, thus expanding his possessions. The differences between the fringed (speckled or spotted) and black sheep from the regular white sheep carry symbolic significance.


1. Symbolism of Uniqueness:  These sheep are not the norm but stand out, reflecting a sense of special identity.


2. Separation and Chosenness: The fringed and black sheep may be seen as chosen or set apart. These sheep become a visual representation of a distinct identity, set apart for a specific purpose. This aligns with the idea of chosenness often emphasized in the Bible.


3. Covenantal Significance: God often uses symbols and signs to establish covenants with His people. The presence of distinctively colored sheep might symbolize a unique covenant or agreement in the context of God's relationship with the Israelites.


4. Diversity: The diversity within the flock could represent the acceptance of differences within the community and the idea that uniqueness contributes to the overall strength and prosperity of the Israel people.


  The reference to dots and markings, particularly in the context of the speckled and spotted sheep, symbolizes a divine selection or marking by God. Furthermore, the speckled patterns, akin to quilting with diverse fabrics, represent the Israelites with varied bloodlines. 


  Jacob employs a unique method to influence the breeding of his flock by taking green branches from poplar, almond, and plane trees(symbolizing Jesus Christ or Israel), peeling them to create a white pattern, and then placing these branches in a water trough where the sheep come to drink.   

  The eyes are the window to the heart. Just as light comes in to understand things, our mind recognizes something based on what we see. The opening of spiritual eyes to perceive the relations between Israel and the nations, Jews and Christianity is vital for the redemptive historical perspective.


  God's redemptive plan begins with the covenant made with Israel. Israel serves as a symbolic representation of humanity's relationship with God. The covenant people become a reflection of the human nature, showcasing both faithfulness and disobedience.

  The process of salvation expands beyond Israel to include the Gentiles. The biblical narrative foretells a future restoration of Israel. In the end times, Israel will turn back to God, recognizing Jesus Christ as the Messiah. This moment marks the fulfillment of God's covenant promises.


  In essence, the process of salvation, as depicted through the lens of Israel's chosen status, encompasses a historical and prophetic journey. It aligns with biblical themes of spiritual awakening and understanding, where perceiving the divine plan brings forth blessings and abundance.

This article was written based on Pastor Daewi Kang's Torah Portion and the inspiration gained from it.


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