공간의 힘

Then Jacob sent; Wrestling with God

돌베개 2023. 11. 28. 17:48


Wrestling with oursleves – Progressive Preaching by Fr. Tom Jackson


  Jacob, seeking reconciliation with his brother Esau, sent generous gifts ahead as a gesture of goodwill. After crossing the Jabbok River, he wrestled with a mysterious man until daybreak, receiving the name Israel. Jacob encountered Esau and they reconciled warmly.
  Esau can be seen as a symbolic representation of Jacob's inner self, almost like intertwined twins. While Jacob's family successfully crossed over, Jacob himself remained alone, grappling with his internal struggles of weakness and fear. The intense wrestling match with the angel seems to signify a profound inner battle, where Jacob tightly clings to the angel until his heart is emptied of fear and hostility toward Esau. This struggle mirrors the experience of confronting and overcoming inner weaknesses, akin to wrestling with our own fears, holding onto the our Lord tightly, and persistently grappling until a transformative resolution is reached.
  The wrestling is not just a physical contest but a metaphor for Jacob's internal conflicts, his striving for a divine blessing, and his ultimate transformation. Jacob's dislocated leg was extremely painful, but just as it had to be reattached, Jacob realized what true victory was at the Jabbok River.
  The Jabbok River becomes a transformative site where Jacob unburdens himself of these emotions, marking a crucial turning point in his life. Despite sustaining a significant injury, a dislocated thigh joint, Jacob's determination prevails as he clings to God, demonstrating an unwavering resolve to seek blessings.
  His earnestness shines through when he adamantly declares, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." In this moment, Jacob's actions reflect a earnest desire for restoration of a relationship marked by mutual blessings. Despite initial appearances of enmity, the struggle at the Jabbok River led to a profound understanding that they were, in essence, intricately linked with Israel and Esau, Israel and nations. The two separated groups, rather than remaining in opposition, metamorphose into Mahanaim, God's camp, embodying a transcendent unity that defies conventional expectations.
  Jacob bowed seven times, honoring his brother, but Esau ran up and embraced him, held him tight and kissed him. Ultimately, Jacob and Esau move beyond enmity to a unity, mirroring a larger theme of Israel and the nations coming together as One New Man. 


This is an amazing reversal, the victory of God's army, 
and the victory of Mahanaim. 
Just as the fog disappears when the sun rises 
when you hold on to the Lord at the end of a struggle, 
things like this, where enemies can actually run to you and hug you, 
must happen in our family and country.

This article was written based on Pastor Daewi Kang's Torah Portion and the inspiration gained from it.

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